What are the legal obligations in the event of dog bites?

A dog can bite for different reasons. This is behavior to be concerned about. Christèle Crozier, behavioral veterinarian at Airvault, explains the procedure to follow:

A dog bite is the fact that the dog touches with his teeth a person or the accessories he is wearing.

In the event of a bite, there are legal obligations to respectwhatever the breed of dog, whether vaccinated against rabies or not:

  • isolate the dog
  • tend to the victim if necessary
  • notify your civil liability insurance
  • notify the town hall of the dog’s home

The dog has a particularly dirty mouth and the transfer of bacteria is almost systematic.

Next you must present your dog to your attending veterinarian 3 times in 15 days. The first visit must take place 24 hours after the bite, the second 7 days after and the third another 7 days later.

These visits aim to:

  • to check that the dog is in good health
  • that he does not have a pathology transmissible to humans
  • to make a risk assessment

The dangerousness rating determines why the dog bit, what is the probability that it will start again and what to do so that it does not start again. This evaluation is not intended for the separation of the dog and the master or the euthanasia of the dog.

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