What are the hedges used for in our gardens?

It is not uncommon in a garden to see hedges. Often used as a natural barrier to delimit a field, hedges are also a real cradle for many animals. They have the advantage of serving as a veritable pantry for the many herbivores that come to feed in the different levels of these. Carnivores, too, are not left out. They come directly to eat the insects present in the hedges.

In addition to serving as a pantry, hedges also serve as a refuge and shelter. In summer, the temperatures observed are cooler inside the hedge. In winter, on the other hand, the temperatures in the heart of the edge are slightly warmer, which makes it possible to shelter many animal species.

Hedges provide nesting or resting places for many species. Many birds come to set up their nests at the top of the hedge to be sheltered from predators, but also from weather conditions. As soon as the chicks are ready to take flight, they leave the nest and feed on the insects directly present in the hedge.

If you want to plant hedges, animal welfare leaguerecommends installing country hedges.

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