what are the favorite fish of the French?



France 3

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Fish resources are insufficient in France, and quotas are restrictive. However, the French are among the biggest European consumers of fish. Update with journalist Sandrine Feydel, present, Monday, May 2, on the set of 19/20.

A French person consumes an average of 33.5 kilos of fish and shellfish each year, an increase of 16.7% in 20 years. France is thus in fifth place on the European podium, behind Portugal, Spain, Malta and Luxembourg. “Even if we are fond of mussels, French oysters, we buy a lot abroad”reports journalist Sandrine Feydel, present, Monday, May 2, on the set of 19/20.

Among the favorite fish of the French are salmon, tuna and prawns. “The problem is that we produce almost none. As a result, we import them”. A total of 182,000 tonnes of salmon are imported each year, 140,000 of tuna and 114,000 of shrimp. To limit dependence, the journalist recommends “to turn to small-scale French coastal fishing”of “diversifying the fish we eat” but also from “eat less”.

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