what are the demands of the demonstrators?

In a letter addressed to the executive, the “Convoy France” movement demands, among other things, the end of the vaccination obligation and the repeal of the “global security” law.

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They denounce the government’s health policy, but not only. Members of the “freedom convoy”, a movement inspired by the demonstrations of truckers in Canada, formalized their demands in an open letter shared on social networks, Friday, February 11. This text is signed “Convoy France”, named after one of the Telegram groups which bring together the most supporters on the private messaging application.

On behalf of “French people”the authors claim “emergency measures”. By addressing Emmanuel Macron and Jean Castex in particular, they are asking for a return of “the freedom of which we were deprived for two years due to exceptional circumstances (…) which are no longer met today”.

Most of the claims are related to vaccination against Covid-19. The text calls in particular for the “end of any vaccination obligation or health or vaccination pass” and the “suspension of COVID ‘vaccination’ until the filing of an independent pharmacovigilance investigation”.

The requests relate more generally to the health measures in force, with the “immediate end of the state of emergency or health vigilance” and the “restoration of freedom of movement”. The authors, who denounce a “discrimination” against unvaccinated people, want the “immediate reinstatement” suspended caregivers and the cancellation of the sanctions that would have been taken against them. They also require “financial compensation” for those who have lost their jobs “due [sic] to the obligation to vaccinate or attempt to extort consent”.

Finally, the authors call for the repeal of the so-called “Global Security” law, “the rejection of any attempt to establish a society based on digital identity without control of its content” and L’“obligation of prior consultation of the people on any attempt to establish a digital identity”.

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