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The shock survey written by Victor Castelet on the living conditions in private retirement homes challenges the relatives of the 600,000 residents.
Two institutions are responsible for monitoring retirement homes, the Regional Health Agencies (ARS) and the Departmental Councils. Within 7,600 nursing home French, whether public or private, checks are very rare and very often organized when they take place. If a loved one has doubts about the living conditions of a resident, the human rights defender first advises conciliation. If an interview with management yields nothing, only one telephone number, that of the defender of rights, to report abuses. If the facts found are even more serious, it is possible to file a complaint.
Over the past six years, 900 complaints have been recorded and mostly relate to suspicions of abuse and deprivation of liberty. The health crisis and the closed doors have accelerated the mistrust between the families of the residents and the management of the establishments, since the appeals have multiplied in the last two years.