Video length: 2 min
Budget 2025: what are the consequences on the purchasing power of the French?
Budget 2025: what are the consequences on the purchasing power of the French?
Retirement pensions, health expenses and even electricity prices will be impacted by the new budget unveiled by the government on Thursday October 10.
How will the budget presented by the government on Thursday October 10 impact the purchasing power of the French? The first audience targeted by the savings is that of retirees. Pensions will be increased, not on January 1 as initially planned, but six months later, which represents a shortfall of around 40 euros per month for a retiree. “It’s a week of racing”deplores Marie-France Mansouri, retired. The State hopes to save 3.6 billion euros with this measure.
Health costs will also be reduced. From 2025, consultations with general practitioners will be less well reimbursed by Social Security and mutual insurance companies will have to take over. The government also plans to tax electricity prices, which were expected to fall sharply. With the new tax, the reduction will be only 9%. The government is committed to reducing electricity bills by 110 euros on average.
Watch the full report in the video above.