what are the challenges of the American president’s visit?

Joe Biden is traveling to Israel on Wednesday, October 18, in the midst of the conflict with Hamas. The bombing of a hospital in Gaza the day before added even more tension to this visit.

He arrived on the territory of the Jewish state 11 days after the start of the Hamas attack. Joe Biden is traveling to Israel on Wednesday October 18, in a situation of extreme tension after the death of 200 to 500 people in the Ahli Arab hospital in Gaza, following an airstrike the day before. For the American president, this diplomatic visit is of major importance in several respects.

Ensuring U.S. Support for Israel

This issue was the first listed by National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby: “ensure that Joe Biden continues to send a strong signal to Israel, which continues to defend itself“, he explained to the American channel MSNBC. This signal comes through the deployment of a dozen US Navy warships, which are about to arrive in the area. Another measure decided: 2,000 American reservists have been placed on alert for possible deployment to the Middle East, the Pentagon announced on Tuesday. This measure was decided “in order to increase the capacity of the American Defense to respond quickly to an evolving security situation in the Middle East“, specified a spokesperson for the White House, estimating that it is above all a “deterrent signal” and not combat troops.

Before this visit, Joe Biden judged that the Jewish state has the “duty” to defend itself after the Hamas attack and intends to deter Hezbollah and Iran. The American president also wishes to know the strategy of the Israeli offensive which is being prepared. A meeting, which should address this crucial subject, is planned with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. But this visit above all “aims to tell Israelis the limit they must not exceed“, estimated Élie Barnavi, the former Israeli ambassador to France, on franceinfo. The American government also wants, through this visit, to test its influence in the Middle East, and in particular its deterrent force against Hezbollah.

Trying to “get out” the hostages held by Hamas

The release of the hostages is the second axis of this visit, as mentioned by a member of Joe Biden’s entourage. Currently, 199 people are detained by Hamas according to the Israeli army, while the Palestinian Islamist organization claims 200 to 250 hostages. “We will continue to discuss with all our partners in the region to get these hostages outsaid John Kirby on MSNBC. Everyone, including the Americans who are part of it.“Joe Biden is due to meet families of hostages held by Hamas, but the exact number of Americans held by the Palestinian Islamist organization is not known.

Getting humanitarian aid into Gaza

One of the objectives of Joe Biden’s visit to Israel is to try to get humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip. “We must ensure that aid gets into Gaza. Food, water, medicine, assured John Kirby. And that people who need to leave can do so.“This subject has seen progress in recent days,” assured the head of American diplomacy Anthony Blinken, visiting Israel. The Secretary of State announced that he had obtained guarantees from Israel regarding the delivery of the foreign humanitarian aid. He adds that Joe Biden hopes “hear from Israel how it will conduct its operations in a way that minimizes civilian casualties, and allows the delivery of humanitarian aid to civilians in Gaza in a way that does not benefit Hamas“.

Nearly 160 trucks loaded with food, water and medicine are still stuck in Egypt, on the other side of the Rafah border post.

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