what are the candidates’ proposals on nuclear power?



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Emmanuel Macron defends nuclear energy. What about the other players in the presidential campaign? Thierry Curtet, journalist in the political service of franceinfo, takes stock of the various proposals of the candidates.

The exit from fossil fuels is unanimous among the presidential candidates. On the other hand, nuclear power marks a cleavage between left and right. On the left, the will displayed is to get out of nuclear power, in the more or less long term depending on the candidates. Yannick Jadot, for example, wants to stop 10 reactors by 2035, while the PS candidate, Anne Hidalgo, proposes a gradual transition until 2050 towards 100% renewable energy. Fabien Roussel, conversely, wants to build 6 to 8 reactors.

On the right, everyone agrees to want to relaunch nuclear power. Marine Le Pen and Éric Zemmour no longer want to hear about wind turbines. The boss of the RN even wants to reopen the Fessenheim plant, while Éric Zemmour wants no less than 14 new reactors. Valérie Pécresse, she offers 6.

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