what are the candidates’ proposals for improving purchasing power?

The Association of Mayors of France (AMF), the Association of Departments of France (ADF) and Regions of France organized, Tuesday, March 15, a great oral for the candidates for the presidential election in partnership with franceinfo. They were questioned by local elected officials about their project and their program, at the belfry of Montrouge (Hauts-de-Seine). Only Emmanuel Macron and Éric Zemmour refused the invitation.

>> Purchasing power: seven questions on the announced thaw of the civil servants’ index point

On the occasion of this event, some of the candidates present responded to franceinfo to present their proposals in terms of purchasing power. Jean Lassalle did not speak on this subject and Jean-Luc Mélenchon refused to answer our questions. Find here their proposals to improve the daily life of the French.

Fabien Roussel: “Exiting raw materials from the law of the market”

“We must take raw materials out of the law of the market”, pleaded Fabien Roussel, candidate of the French Communist Party (PCF). in partnership with franceinfo. He regrets that “essential goods and products are at stake on the Stock Exchange, which rises to the sound of cannon”. “It’s indecent”, denounces Fabien Roussel. To face these “bills that have been increasing for a while”Fabien Roussel also calls for “raise wages and pensions”. He believes that the “large companies and in particular those which make a lot of profits – 137 billion for the CAC 40 in 2021 – have ample means”. The PCF candidate also offers to support “small businesses: our SMEs, our VSEs, our merchants, to increase wages”.

Marine Le Pen: “Return 200 to 250 euros per month” to households

The candidate of the National Rally, Marine Le Pen, claims to have in her electoral project “a whole series of proposals to support purchasing power”. She thus quotes on franceinfo “tax cuts, aid for families, for the elderly”. “My goal is to return 200 to 250 euros, on average, to each household per month”, she adds. Faced with rising fuel prices, Marine Le Pen is proposing to lower “the VAT on fuels from 20 to 5.5%”. According to the RN candidate, this will make “12 billion euros to the French”. It specifies that these proposals will allow “to restore 30 to 40 centimes per litre”.

Philippe Poutou: increase the minimum wage to “1,800 euros net”

Faced with the rising cost of living, Philippe Poutou, candidate of the New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA), pleaded for a minimum wage at “1,800 euros net”. “It’s hard, even without the increase” the cost of living, he said, adding “that there is real social suffering which is linked to far too low incomes and far too general precariousness”. How to finance such a measure? “We know that the wealth is there and that it exists. It is even diverted and stolen by the ultra-rich, to the detriment of the population and public services. We must therefore do the opposite”, he explained. According to him, “redistributing this wealth requires expropriation, socialization, particularly of the banking system”.

Anne Hidalgo: “Freeze energy prices”

To improve the purchasing power of the French, the socialist candidate Anne Hidalgo proposes to lower “VAT on petrol at 5.5%” and of “freeze prices so that there is no negative impact at the pump”. “We must also freeze energy prices because many of our fellow citizens can no longer manage it and are stuck by the throat”, assures the candidate of the PS. It also provides in its electoral program a “increase in wages and an increase in the minimum wage of 200 euros per month” to pass it to “1,469 euros per month”.

Nathalie Arthaud: “Automatic indexation” of wages

“More than ever, we must fight for salary increases”estimated Nathalie Arthaud, who judges that“there is money for”. It proposes to do this to reduce profits and dividends. The Lutte Ouvrière candidate proposes to “index them to inflation” so “Automatique”. It should happen, she says. “month after month” : “We don’t wait a year to realize that there has been 8% inflation and that workers have become even poorer.” According to Nathalie Arthaud, inflation “spreads over all prices, in particular those of food, that is to say on vital needs” while in parallel, “we are faced with salaries that have been too low for too many years”.

Valérie Pécresse: “Return the taxes that the State collects on gasoline”

“I propose that the state return the money”, explained the candidate Les Républicains. While the government announced on Saturday a “discount at the pump of 15 cents per liter” for all fuels, from April 1, “The state must return the money from the taxes it collects on gasoline”, advanced Valérie Pécresse. According to her, “With the increase in the price of gasoline, the State has collected 25 centimes more on gasoline. It only returns 15 to the French, this is not normal.” Valérie Précresse also asks that the State “give [cet argent] now, not April 1”.

Yannick Jadot: “An immediate check” for the most precarious families

Faced with the rising cost of living, the environmental candidate for the presidential Yannick Jadot proposes “an immediate check for 400 euros for the 6 million families who are most in difficulty today because of their purchasing power” and of “100 euros for middle-class families”. He declares himself in favor of “the implementation of the sustainable mobility package paid for by companies up to 1,000 euros of fuel per year”. He calls to “mobilize all our craftsmen, all our companies to ensure that we prioritize all our renovation projects and that we put the package on the families most in difficulty”.

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan: An “immediate cap at 1.70 euros” per liter of fuel

The candidate Debout la France, Nicolas Dupont Aignan, asked him a cap immediately at 1.70 euros” the liter of fuel. “Ihe government is completely unaware of what is happening to millions of French people who need their car to work”, he assures. He called for setting up “a very quick emergency measure”. He also asked “that we return the 43 cents that Emmanuel Macron stole from the French on the [litre de] diesel”. According to him, this increase is “linked to new taxes” that the president has put in place. He also considers that the discount of 15 centimes per litre, which will be applied from 1 April, is “a scam”.

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