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On Saturday January 8, opponents of the Covid-19 vaccine marched across France. A protean gathering, in which several lines coexist. What are their real motivations?
More than 100,000 people marched on Saturday January 8 to protest against the vaccination pass. What are their arguments? “It’s our life, it belongs to us”, believes one protester, while another claims her right to “freedom of movement”. “We are not against vaccines, we are for the right to choose”, abounds a man.
Others, on the other hand, are skeptical of the vaccine. “I do not intend to vaccinate myself until I have a guarantee on the purpose of this vaccine”, confides a protester. Others, often vaccinated, seem animated by a broader distrust. “Although we are vaccinated, the way the pandemic is handled, that annoys me too”, believes a man. Although they have different profiles, the protesters often have in common that they are not taken into consideration by politicians.