what are the actions planned for next week?

The inter-union calls for a big day of mobilization Thursday, March 23 throughout France.

The anger does not fall, Saturday March 18, two days after the use of article 49.3 of the Constitution by the Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne to have the pension reform project adopted without a vote by the National Assembly. Gatherings of several thousand people were held the same evening and the next day, Place de la Concorde, in Paris, and in several major cities in France. Demonstrations also took place in the capital as in several other cities on Saturday. In transport, refineries or education, notices have already been filed or extend next week. Here are the mobilizations announced and the actions still in progress, which will continue.

“Filter dams” at the entrance to certain incinerators in the Paris region

The mobilization of garbage collectors evolves, on the thirteenth day of their strike. The strikers of the three waste incineration sites produced by Paris and part of Ile-de-France have set up “filtering dams” to let garbage collection trucks pass, a union representative told AFP on Saturday, confirming information from Release.

Gathered in a general assembly on Friday, the strikers “continues the action until Tuesday inclusive, with filtering of trucks” in Issy-les-Moulineaux (Hauts-de-Seine) on Saturday and Sunday, then in Saint-Ouen (Seine-Saint-Denis) on Monday and Tuesday, said Fatiha Lahrech, CGT union representative at the Issy-les-Moulineaux site .

In Ivry-sur-Seine (Val-de-Marne), the largest of the three Syctom mixed union incineration sites, the police came on Friday to dislodge the strikers from one of the two adjoining garages, before withdrawing. Access to the factory as to the two garbage truck garages is therefore still blocked, AFP noted.

Refinery shutdown announced

The shutdown of facilities at the TotalEnergies refinery in Normandy, in Gonfreville-l’Orcher (Seine Maritime), “began Friday night”, said Saturday to AFP the secretary general of the CGT of the Normandy platform, Alexis Antonioli. However, this shutdown will take several days and should not cause immediate fuel shortages at service stations.

According Eric Sellini, CGT union coordinator, another refinery, that of Petroineos, in Lavéra (Bouches-du-Rhône), could also be shut down no later than Monday. Ihe Esso-ExxonMobil refinery in Port-Jérôme-Gravenchon (Seine-Maritime) could also be shut down on Monday or Tuesday for lack of crude oil to be refined, due to a strike at the oil depot in Le Havre. Until now, the strikers had contented themselves with blocking fuel shipments, but the refineries continued to produce.

Between 20 and 30% of flights canceled in Marseille and Orly, Monday

The General Directorate of Civil Aviation (DGAC) asked airlines to cancel 30% of their flights at Paris-Orly and 20% at Marseille-Provence on Monday March 20, due to the strike action by air traffic controllers against the pension reform. “Despite these preventative measures, disruptions and delays are nonetheless to be expected,” warned the DGAC on Friday.

To limit traffic disruptions, the minimum service provisions will be applied in certain en-route air navigation centers (CRNAs, air traffic control centres) and airport navigation services. The DGAC invites passengers who can do so to postpone their trip and to inquire with their airline to find out the status of their flight.

A call for a strike for the bac specialty exams, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

In education too, calls for “continue mobilization” multiply. Several unions are calling for a supervisors’ strike during the baccalaureate specialty exams”, which take place from Monday to Wednesday, learned franceinfo from a union source on Friday. A call relayed in particular by the Snes-FSU, the main secondary union, FO, SUD and the CGT. The unions attached to the CFDT or Unsa centers are not signatories. The Minister of Education has indicated that he will mobilize “additional guards”.

At the regional level, several unions have already filed their strike notice for next week. This is the case of the academic inter-union of Brittany (CGT Educ’action, snFOlc, Snes-FSU Bretagne, SUD Education). Monday, Tuesday and / or Wednesday, 536,081 candidates must work on two tests, which account for a third of the results of the baccalaureate.

A national day of action, Thursday

The main unions have called for “local neighborhood gatherings” during this weekend. On Saturday, demonstrations were held in several cities in France, such as Nantes (Loire-Atlantique), Saint-Etienne (Loire), Albertville (Savoie) or Paris. The intersyndicale also announced a ninth day of strikes and demonstrations on Thursday across the country. She denounces a passage “in strength” of Emmanuel Macron and Elisabeth Borne, castigating in particular “the responsibility borne by the executive in the resulting social and political crisis” of the decision to engage 49.3.

A “black day” scheduled for Thursday in rail transport

At the SNCF, the four representative unions called on Friday to “keep on strike” renewable started on March 7. CGT-Cheminots, Unsa-Ferroviaire, SUD-Rail and CFDT-Cheminots also invite rail workers to “multiply unitary actions and initiatives from this weekend in all territories”.

>> Mobilization against the pension reform: here are the traffic forecasts at the SNCF for this weekend

Predictions for the start of next week have not yet been communicated, but the unions have already called “to act massively on March 23” to oppose reform.

For its part, the RATP expects normal traffic on its metro, bus and tram networks, as well as on the Orlyval line. But Ile-de-France residents should expect “a black day” in the metro on Thursday, according to FO-RATP, the leading union among drivers.

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