what are the 302 outgoing deputies entitled to?

Among the 577 deputies elected Sunday, June 19 to the National Assembly, a little less than half, 275, already occupied a seat in the previous legislature. The deputies on departure, whether they were beaten on Sunday in the second round of the legislative elections or whether they did not stand for re-election, are therefore 302 in number. What will become of them?

Specific cases

Civil servants who had been on leave during their term of office logically return to their jobs, their previous positions.

Former private sector employees with at least one year of seniority have a guarantee, after a first term, of being reinstated professionally, in the same job or a similar job. After several mandates they have a hiring priority. The idea is that citizens, whatever their original occupations, do not forbid themselves from becoming deputies.

Can they receive unemployment benefit?

Yes. Unemployment benefit for deputies at the end of their mandate, as it exists today, is only four years old. In 2018, a specific fund was created, financed by MPs and managed by the Caisse des Dépôts et consignations.

The allowance is modeled on that of the salaried employees’ scheme. It corresponds to 57% of the amount of the parliamentary allowance. Or 4,127 euros gross per month, paid for a maximum of two years if the deputy is under 53; two and a half years if he is between 53 and 55; three years if he is 55 or over.

This allowance is financed by a contribution from all deputies in office. To be able to touch it, you must not have resigned from your mandate, not have remained a civil servant and not have reached the legal retirement age.

What is a Member of Parliament entitled to in retirement?

There too, there was a reform in 2018. The rules are now the same as those of the state civil service. Deputies can, from the age of 62, receive a pension in proportion to the annuities acquired. After five years of office, the net amount of the pension is 661 euros.

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