Video length: 4 min
Consumption: what are high protein foods worth?
Consumption: what are high protein foods worth?
(France 2)
Should we trust high-protein foods, which are appearing more and more on the shelves? Investigation.
In Marie Bifarella’s fridge, certain products have a special place, including spreadable cheese and cream cheese. For the past two months, she has been increasing her protein intake because she heard on social media that protein helps with weight loss. On the shelves, the presence of proteins is increasingly mentioned on packages: cereal bars, pasta or pancake mixes. The turnover of protein yogurts, for example, has increased by 89% in two years.
Per kilo, the protein version of Liège yogurt costs 1 euro and 11 cents more. For another brand, it’s almost 4 euros difference, with the traditional equivalent of the same group. How can such a discrepancy be justified? Head to the Danone dairy in the Pays de Bray, one of the French market leaders, which is running at full capacity. 90 million pots are produced each year, sold throughout Europe, at a higher price. “We come to concentrate the yogurt three times [en lait]”, justifies Bruno Mauduyt de la Grève, the director. SMEs also want to benefit from the opportunity. Charles Brown-Brulant, CEO of MyFitCheese, has created a fat-free and protein-rich emmental.
However, these foods are not always better for your health, because they sometimes contain additives to add flavor. In a high-protein chocolate bar, nutritionist Alexandra Retion finds “sugar, peanuts” and lots of salt. Although proteins are essential for the body, they should not be overused. “Overconsumption can be harmful to (…) kidney function”she says.