what announcements to expect during Emmanuel Macron’s interview?



Video duration:
2 min


Emmanuel Macron will give an interview on the evening of Sunday September 24. He is expected on several themes such as ecology, inflation or migrants the day after the visit of the Pope who insisted on defending them.

After a week of qualified visit “history” by the Élysée, Emmanuel Macron wants to mark the occasion. He will give a new interview on the evening of Sunday September 24 on Franceinfo and TF1. This comes two months after a previous statement in response to the summer riots. The head of state is expected to address several issues, notably on aid relating to purchasing power.

An action plan already ready against school bullying

The president should try to forget the failed sequence on the sale of fuel at a loss. The idea was immediately rejected by distributors. What measures for the environment? The trade-offs still remain unclear. The Head of State could address the delicate subject of school bullying. An action plan is already ready on the desk of the Minister of National Education. Another thorny subject of the moment: immigration. Emmanuel Macron assured the Pope that France would take its share of refugees.

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