What an era! A guest of Léa Salamé and Christophe Dechavanne still risks creating controversy

Saturday September 24, 2022, in the second part of the evening, France 2 viewers will not find Laurent Ruquier at the controls ofWe are live. Indeed, it is his comrade Léa Salamé who takes over the box. With Christophe Dechavanne and Philippe Caverivière, she takes control of a brand new program called What an era! For this premiere, here are the expected guests.

In addition to Christophe Dechavanne as a “permanent guest” and Philippe Caverivière as a humorist, other personalities will be on set. Among them, Jean-Luc Melenchon. A guest who is likely to cause controversy! I have to say that the politician has been making blunders lately. At the beginning of September, during a trip to Lille, he went to the famous city sale… aboard a big American 4×4! A car known and recognized as very polluting. The height for the leader of La France Insoumise who says he is a fervent defender of the environment and who makes ecology a priority. That’s not all: Jean-Luc Mélenchon made an inappropriate gesture towards a journalist from Daily. He indeed patted the cheek of the latter after a question about his support for Adrien Quatennens, ex-coordinator of LFI who admitted to having slapped his wife. What great stories…

Jean-Luc Mélenchon will not be the only guest of What an era! Léa Salamé will also give the floor to Marco Moulythe former scammer who comes to promote his book called The mare (Harper Collins editions), the new political editor of Paris Match Laurence Ferrarithe drag queen Nicky Doll came to talk about Drag Race Francethe comedian Jean-Paul Rouvé who plays his new show I don’t look at the Anthony Theater Yann Moixor Cindy Bruna who will deliver on his work The day I stopped being afraid (Harper Collins editions).

The guest of Christophe Dechavanne

For his part, the famous animator who plays a supporting role here has his own guest. For this first issue, Christophe Dechavanne receives Father Matthieu, priest and TikTok star. On the social network, he deals with subjects related to his religion, his faith while remaining benevolent. A young approach – he is 36 years old, appears in jeans and sneakers – which has seduced many Internet users since he has nearly 700,000 subscribers.

Interviewed by TV Magazine, Christophe Dechavanne said more about the role he plays in the show. “I will have one guest per show who will be mine. Everyone will have the right to speak to him but it will be my choice, my guest. It will last as long as we can understand something. The goal is going to be to bring people in either to explain something to the viewers or for me to understand what’s on that person’s head. It could be a personality like an anonymous person making the news“, he confides. The exchange with Father Matthieu promises!

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