what alternatives to the car in rural and peri-urban areas?

franceinfo is closer to the concerns of the French, with its new appointment Carbon(n)e footprint, presented by Frédéric Carbonne, each month, in a region of France. Objective: to be as close as possible to the solutions implemented to combat climate change and its consequences.

Wednesday October 19, 2022, while the Auto Show is being held and manufacturers are embarking on the “made in France” electric car, Frédéric Carbonne was near Angoulême (Charente) in a pilot factory for the manufacture of electric batteries . Etienne Monin, he made the trip to Angoulême at the wheel of an electric car.

How to introduce the electric car in France, from its manufacture to its use? With Yann Vincent, Managing Director of ACC (Automotive Cells Company), which is testing the production of electric batteries in Nersac in Charente, with a view to opening a gigafactory in the North, and Jean-Michel Bolvin, mayor of Montmoreau and president of the departmental union of electricity and gas of Charente.

What alternatives to the car in rural and peri-urban areas?

From the Midipile Mobility workshop, in Saint-Michel in Charente, Carbon(n)e footprint also met people from Charente who are looking for alternatives to the car to get around in rural and peri-urban areas, such as the designer of an electric car-bike or a fan of all-bikes for herself and her family.

With Benoit Trouvé, president of Midipile Mobility, which will market its first low-carbon vehicles in 2023, Amandine Lafont, a resident of the outskirts of Angoulême who has chosen all-bikes with her husband and two daughters, and Julien Gendreau, director d’Emmaus in Ruffec, which offers mobility solutions to job seekers in particular.

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