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Friday, March 18, at the 22th day of the war in Ukraine, Europeans are wondering how to be less dependent on Russian gas, which represents 40% of the gas consumed in Europe.
Cooking, heating… Friday, March 18, Russian gas provides 20% of French consumption, and 40% of the gas consumed in Europe. Other gas suppliers exist, however, such as Norway, Algeria or Azerbaijan. Patrice Geoffron, professor of economics at Paris-Dauphine University, explains that gas pipelines linking these countries exist, but that their production quantities are limited. Azerbaijan and Algeria would each have a “additional room for maneuver of around 10 billion m3“, according to the professor. Gas from Russia represents 150,000 billion m3.
Another solution is liquefied natural gas, from the United States, Qatar or Australia. However, since the start of the war in Ukraine, gas prices have skyrocketed. Bruno Le Maire, Minister of Economy, Finance and Recovery has proposed a cap on gas prices in Europe. As an alternative, France could turn to biomethane.