Video length: 2 min
Tourism: Whale watching at sea, a risky excursion for cetaceans
Tourism: Whale watching at sea, a risky excursion for cetaceans
(France 2)
Whales are currently moving along the coasts of French Polynesia where they come to breed. Cruises to observe them or swim alongside them are increasing. A flourishing trade in sea trips that has disastrous consequences on the health of cetaceans.
Observing humpback whales up close and even jumping into the water with them: for some tourists on vacation in Polynesia, it is a lifelong dream. Many companies offer these excursions. The activity is at its peak between July and November, the period of reproduction and calving of the whales. However, studies show that human presence tires the females who are nursing. The coming and going of the boats also annoys the locals.
Rules have been put in place: no approaching within 100 m, and no swimming within 15 m, but some do not respect them. Whale protection associations are calling for a limit on the number of boats and a period of no observation. “It would be at least in the afternoon, so that the whales are at rest and are sheltered for the night”suggests Agnès Benet, president of the Mata Tohora association and doctor in marine biology. In Réunion, the public transport operator has opted for a bus that runs along the west coast and stops at the best sites.