“Westerns will have to react to what is, this time, a frontal attack”, according to an international relations specialist

According to Bertrand Badie, professor emeritus at Sciences Po, if on the merits, this announcement “does not change much”, on the form, “it is a double turn because we are directly attacking fundamental principles of law international law, Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

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“Westerns will have to react to what is, this time, a frontal attack”by Vladimir Putin, estimated on Tuesday February 22 on franceinfo Bertrand Badie, professor emeritus at Sciences Po and specialist in international relations, after the recognition by Vladimir Putin of the independence of the self-proclaimed separatist republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. “Westerns will not be able to content themselves with rhetoric and an attempt to find a diplomatic and peaceful solution”analyzes Bertrand Badie.

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Recognize this independence “doesn’t change much” according to specialist in international relations who adds that “everyone knows that these two breakaway republics had been in Moscow’s hands for some time.” However, “in form, it’s a double turn because we are directly attacking fundamental principles of international law, the sovereignty of Ukraine and territorial integrity”explains Bertrand Badie.

It is also a turning point because we are increasing the one-upmanship. Vladimir Putin wants to assert the power of Russia as master of agendas

Bertrand Badie, professor emeritus at Sciences Po


“You could say that Putin is playing the old world by betting on the fact that Westerners already consider themselves in a new world. The old world is that of the demonstration of military force. Vladimir Putin is betting that Westerners, given the economic interdependencies with Russia, will not react. We are in the midst of an unknown.”

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