Western Sahara: Justin Trudeau must follow in the footsteps of Trump, Biden and Netanyahu

Canada’s position on the world stage is weak, if not non-existent.

The period of blue helmets and the struggle against apartheid is over. We do not really know what the country is worth on the international scene beyond being the little brother and the unwavering ally of the United States.

The weakness of our international doctrine is such that we are practically absent from the new theaters of negotiation and repositioning.

Let’s talk about Africa in particular. This continent which is poor economically and socially, but so rich in its subsoil and culturally is a striking example. Slavery, colonialism, genocides, the worst forms of discrimination, etc. are all horrors that Africa has known.

This is inscribed in the memory of every African who distrusts any Western power reaching out to him or seeking his friendship. The French, the Belgians, the English and the Portuguese have too long managed Africa as a backyard or a well of wealth in which to draw to get rich.

However, Canada has the advantage of never having had this past on this continent. It has the advantage of being a member of the Commonwealth AND of La Francophonie.

He demonstrated that he was able to take part in struggles to liberate populations rather than to oppress them.

But all of this is part of a past where our international footprint was far-sighted, modern and appreciated.

Today, Canada is dragging its feet everywhere. In Europe, Asia, South America and especially in Africa.

It is quite curious to see Canada absent from this continent of a thousand and one possibilities. A continent in turmoil, as much in terms of knowledge, technology, demography and sustainable development. The proof, China is everywhere on the African territory, it builds, builds and registers as a partner of choice.

In the meantime, while there are highly symbolic gestures that do not require extraordinary measures, Canada is missing out. Let us take for example the question of the recognition of the Moroccanness of Western Sahara. The United States, under the Trump administration and subsequently confirmed by the Biden administration, recognized Moroccan sovereignty of the Sahara, long disputed with the Polisario front with the support of Algeria.

A few days ago, it was the Israeli giant which officially recognized this Moroccan sovereignty of this territory. What does Canada do when these key allies speak out? He hides.

However, this is a golden opportunity to seal an alliance of choice with African powers, to support those of our allies and to be in pole position in what could be a promising economic and energy development potential for Africa and for Canada.

In the meantime, we maintain an expensive blur. We try to spare the goat and the cabbage and that makes us lose on all counts. Meanwhile, the Algerian president is teaming up with the Chinese and the Russians, our political adversaries.

For once Canada would benefit from simply imitating its allies, it remains absent and therefore inconsiderate. When is the awakening?

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