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On Saturday April 9, some towns near kyiv, Ukraine, were occasions by the Ukrainian army, after a month of occupation by Russian troops.
Saturday, April 9, while the Russian army’s offensive is concentrating on eastern Ukraine, towns in the west are taken over by the Ukrainians. yahidne (Ukraine)was occupied for nearly a month by Russian soldiers. Residents describe how they were looted by the Russian army. “Who’s going to fix all this? People are not going to come back to our village”, cry katerina Nikolaevnaresident of Jagidne.
In this city, many inhabitants were locked in the basements, with the prohibition to go out, as in a school. “There were 138 people in 76 m²”says Nikolai Vasilyvichresident of Jagidne. According to him, 12 elderly people died of asphyxiation. “Until March 30, we stayed 25 days like that“, recalls the man, crying. It then shows the grave of a man shot dead by Russian soldiers for being mistaken for a Ukrainian soldier.