West Bank | Washington warns Israel against creating new settlements

(Washington) The head of the American diplomacy Antony Blinken warned on Sunday that the United States would oppose the establishment of new colonies by the next Israeli government in the occupied West Bank, as Benjamin Netanyahu prepares to return to power thanks to a coalition with the extreme right.

“We will also continue to unequivocally oppose any action that endangers the two-state solution, including settlement expansion, moves towards annexation of the West Bank, disruption of the historic status quo of holy sites, demolitions and evictions, and incitement to violence,” the secretary of state said during an intervention with the American progressive pro-Israel group J Street.

The right-wing bloc and its ultra-Orthodox and far-right allies won the majority in the Israeli legislative elections of 1er November, with 64 seats out of 120, allowing Binyamin Netanyahu to begin negotiations to form a government.

During this process, he signed a coalition agreement on Thursday with one of the three far-right parties, which thus obtained a key position in the development of colonization in the West Bank, a Palestinian territory occupied since 1967 by Israel.

More than 475,000 Israelis currently live in settlements in the West Bank, deemed to violate international law, about four times more than when the Oslo Accords were signed in the 1990s that did not lead to lasting peace. between Israelis and Palestinians.

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