West Bank | Palestinian shot dead after stabbing Israeli

(Jerusalem) A Palestinian man was shot dead on Wednesday shortly after wounding an Israeli in an attack on a settlement in the occupied West Bank, according to Palestinian and Israeli sources.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health said in a statement released in the evening that “Sanad Mohammad Samasra was shot dead by Israeli occupation forces near the settlement of Havat Yehuda” south of Hebron.

The Israeli army confirmed in a press release that “the terrorist had been neutralized”, then announced by telephone to AFP that the man had been “shot by a civilian”.

Sanad Mohammad Samasra carried out a stabbing attack on a farm near the Shima settlement in the southern occupied West Bank on Wednesday afternoon, according to the Israeli emergency services.

An Israeli was injured in the attack, according to this source. Aged about 30, he was evacuated to a hospital in “stable” condition, they said.

Sanad Mohammad Samasra is the sixth Palestinian killed since the beginning of 2023 by the Israeli army in the West Bank, Palestinian territory occupied by Israel since 1967.

The year 2022 has been the deadliest in the West Bank since the end of the second Intifada (Palestinian uprising, 2000-2005), according to the UN which recorded, in early December, more than 150 Palestinians killed by Israeli forces during clashes or raids in 2022.

Since a wave of deadly anti-Israeli attacks in March and April 2022, the army has increased operations in the areas of Jenin and Nablus, strongholds of armed Palestinian factions.

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