West Bank | Israeli soldier killed in Palestinian attack

(Naplouse) Un soldat israélien a été tué jeudi près de la colonie de Kedoumim, dans le nord de la Cisjordanie occupée, a annoncé l’armée israélienne, dans une attaque revendiquée par un groupe armé palestinien.

« Le sergent-chef Shilo Yossef Amir, 22 ans, résident de Meirav (nord), a été tué jeudi par des tirs d’un assaillant durant une activité de routine près de Kedoumim », a indiqué l’armée dans un communiqué.

Selon un précédent communiqué de l’armée, « des forces de sécurité ont identifié un véhicule suspect près de la localité de Kedoumim et l’ont vérifié […] During the inspection, an assailant opened fire.

The assailant fled and was “neutralized” by soldiers, the army said.

This attack was claimed by the armed wing of the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas, in power in the Gaza Strip.

“The al-Qassam Brigades lay claim to the heroic operation that took place in Kedoumim,” a Hamas statement said.

“This is an immediate response to the occupation’s aggressions against our people in the Jenin camp,” Hamas added.

This incident comes the day after the end of a major Israeli military operation in the northern West Bank, Palestinian territory occupied by Israel since 1967, in Jenin and the adjacent refugee camp, which left 12 Palestinians dead and an Israeli soldier. kill.

The Shin Beth, Israel’s internal security service, released the identity of the assailant, Ahmad Ghiddan, a 19-year-old Palestinian from the village of Qebia, near Ramallah.

According to Palestinian sources in the village, the Israeli army arrested members of his family.

The northern West Bank has seen a recent spate of attacks on Israelis as well as anti-Palestinian violence by Jewish settlers. Jenin and the refugee camp have been repeatedly targeted by Israeli operations.

Nearly three million Palestinians live in the West Bank. About 490,000 Jewish settlers also live there in settlements that the UN considers illegal under international law.

At least 190 Palestinians have been killed since the beginning of the year in violence linked to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as well as 27 Israelis, a Ukrainian and an Italian, according to an AFP count established from an official source.

These statistics include, on the Palestinian side, combatants and civilians, including minors, and on the Israeli side, mostly civilians, including minors, and three members of the Arab minority.

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