West Bank | Four Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces

(Nablus) Four Palestinians, including a senior Fatah movement commander, were killed and dozens injured by Israeli forces in the occupied West Bank on Tuesday, two days after a deadly operation in the Gaza Strip ended.

Posted at 1:21 p.m.

France Media Agency

Early on Tuesday, three Palestinians, including Ibrahim al-Nabulsi, a senior figure in the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades – the armed wing of President Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah movement – were killed in an Israeli raid in Nablus, the Palestinian ministry said. of Health. Later, another Palestinian died of his wounds in Hebron, in the southern West Bank, after clashes with the Israeli army.

The Israeli army has confirmed that it carried out a joint operation in Nablus with the police and the Shin Beth, the internal intelligence services, against Ibrahim al-Nabulsi and used a rocket against the residence of this fighter suspected of being involved in a series anti-Israeli attacks.

“Violent clashes took place with rioters throwing stones and explosives at the (Israeli) forces who responded by opening fire. There were several wounded (Palestinians). The forces have left the city and there are no injuries in our ranks,” the army said in a statement.

” Answer ”

The Palestinian Health Ministry identified the other two dead in Nablus as Islam Sabbouh, 25, and Hussein Taha, 16, while Yassin Jaber, 17, died in Hebron.

“The army was in the old city (of Nablus), my son went to the market just before me and my relatives […] there is a shooting and four of us were injured,” Hussein Taha’s father, Jamal Taha, told AFP.

Hundreds of people attended the funeral of the three killed in Nablus, armed men firing in the air during the procession, noted an AFP team on the spot.

“Our response will be commensurate with the crime,” said Fatah’s armed wing in a statement, while the Red Crescent also reported 69 Palestinians were shot and wounded in Nablus.

Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid praised the security forces for “carrying out a precise and very successful operation, without causing any casualties” on the Israeli side.

The raid in Nablus came two days after the end of a deadly Israeli military operation launched against the Palestinian armed movement Islamic Jihad, based in the Gaza Strip.

According to a report by Hamas in power in Gaza, 46 Palestinians were killed, including many children, and several hundred were injured in three days of Israeli bombardment. The raids also caused significant destruction.

“Political Considerations”

Two main Islamic Jihad military leaders in Gaza, Khaled Mansour and Tayssir Al-Jabari, were killed in the Israeli strikes on the Gaza Strip. The military wing of Islamic Jihad has confirmed the deaths of 12 of its fighters in the operation.

In response to the bombardments during the Israeli operation presented as a preventive measure against the Islamic Jihad, the latter fired a thousand rockets in the direction of Israel, the vast majority having been intercepted according to the army.

Rocket fire from Gaza injured three people in Israel, according to local relief.

A truce between Islamic Jihad and Israel, favored by Egypt, came into effect on Sunday evening, which allowed the reopening of the crossings between the Jewish state and the Gaza Strip, an enclave under Israeli blockade for more than 100 years. 15 years old.

On Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid said the operation in Gaza had “dealed a devastating blow to the enemy” and told Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi by phone that he “appreciated” his country’s mediation.

Israel considers Hamas and Islamic Jihad to be “terrorist groups”.

“The Israeli government is not interested in calm and stability, it exploits and kills Palestinians for internal political considerations”, ahead of the early legislative elections of 1er November in Israel, accused Nabil Abou Roudeina, the spokesman for Mr. Abbas, on Tuesday.

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