“We’re tired of these vultures that are these extremes”, annoys Xavier Bertrand



After the Arras attack last Friday, Marine Le Pen called for the resignation of the Minister of the Interior. “She only has that to offer? The extremes have nothing to offer,” replied Xavier Bertrand, the LR president of the Hauts-de-France region, this Monday.

“We are fed up with these vultures that are these extremes”, annoyed Xavier Bertrand, LR president of the Hauts-de-France region, on franceinfo Monday October 16 targeting La France Insoumise and the National Rally. Marine Le Pen denounced the failures in the surveillance of the main suspect, file S, in the terrorist attack of Friday October 13 at the Gambetta – Carnot school campus in Arras. “I see no other opportunity than this for Mr. Darmanin to implement this resignation”she reacted after the death of French teacher Dominique Bernard.

>> Monitored by intelligence and checked Thursday by the police: what we know about the main suspect in the attack in a high school in Arras

“She only has that to offer? The extremes have nothing to offer“, replied Xavier Bertrand. “She wants to protect the French by asking for the resignation of the Minister of the Interior. We are fed up with these vultures that are the extremes. We are fed up on one side with the LFI, on the other side, the National Front “did he declare.

The president of Hauts-de-France denounced the electoral calculation of LFI and the RN who want “to recover for one, part of the Muslim electorate, for the other the National Front, part of the electorate of our fellow citizens of the Jewish faith”, he said. The Hamas attack in Israel caused controversy, particularly because of the ambiguous positions of Jean-Luc Mélenchon who refuses to recognize Hamas as a terrorist organization.

“With every misfortune, [les extrêmes] try to take advantage of it. We are in the most complete cynicism”

Xavier Bertrand, LR president of the Hauts-de-France region

at franceinfo

Is Mr. Mélenchon doing this out of miserable electoral calculation or is it in the hands of the Islam-leftists? That’s the real question.”, asked Xavier Bertrand. The latter joins the Minister of Justice, Éric Dupond-Moretti, on the intentions of the leader of LFI who is seeking “the bearded people’s vote”. It is “the thing on his mind”confirms Xavier Bertrand. “Today, he is in permanent confrontation. Those who fracture the republican space have miserable behavior. This is the case of Mr. Mélenchon today”he concluded.

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