Video length: 3 min
Dubai: were the torrential rains caused by human action?
Dubai: were the torrential rains caused by human action?
It fell in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, two years’ worth of rain in just a few days. For many Internet users, this is due to modification of the clouds by human action. What about it?
In Dubai, the United Arab Emirates was hit by a storm that paralyzed the country, as well as torrential rain. On social networks, theories have emerged to explain this phenomenon. In just a few days, the equivalent of two years of precipitation fell. Several Internet users explain this heavy rain by “cloud seeding”. This is a geoengineering technique, a process of modifying the climate.
Other avenues mentioned by scientists
“This practice makes it possible to make rain, especially in the driest areas”, explains Anaïs Crouts, journalist at the true or false cell of franceinfo, present on set, Thursday April 18. Concretely, products are injected into the clouds to cause more rain. The Emirates are interested in this technique. However, seeding that went wrong could not have caused such bad weather.
Scientists suggest other avenues to explain this storm. “The forecasts, several days before, anticipated this confrontation of air masses and therefore notably anticipated this flood potential, without mentioning seeding at all”says Emma Haziza, hydrologist.