“We’re not playing!” : Annoyed Jean-Luc Mélenchon strongly tackles a journalist

BFMTV and Bruce Toussaint received Jean-Luc Mélenchon, the day before the debate between Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron, winners of the first round. This April 19, 2022, the leader of France Insoumise, who arrived just behind the leader of the National Rally with 21.95% of the vote, set out his ideas and wants to continue the fight with the popular union that his movement has set up. He used strong words to make himself heard, proposing to the French to elect him “Prime Ministerin the June legislative elections, whether they choose Emmanuel Macron or Marine Le Pen on Sunday.

Putting aside his “do better“Which ended his post-election speech in the first round and promising to no longer be a presidential candidate, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, 70, offers a new alternative to his supporters by becoming Prime Minister.”I ask the French to elect me Prime Minister“by voting for one”majority of rebels” and of “members of the People’s Union” in these legislative elections, he said on BFMTV, in his first public statement since April 10. Jean-Luc Mélenchon therefore aims to impose cohabitation on the future winner of the presidential election, with whom he excludes any “negotiation”. And this, whether it is Emmanuel Macron or Marine Le Pen.

A formula that quickly made the buzz on social networks. The executives of La France insoumise exulted on social networks. “Melenchon to Matignon“, exclaimed his friend deputy Alexis Corbière. “Another world is always possible“, hoped the deputy Caroline Fiat. The one who does not stop shouting “not a voice to Mrs. Le Pen“and who refuses to call to vote Emmanuel Macron in the second round is therefore embarking on a strategic operation for the legislative elections.

On the set of BFMTV, journalist and presenter Bruce Toussaint asked for clarification on the thunderous announcement of his guest. The latter did not hide his legendary annoyance: “I’ll start again, since you didn’t understand anything. No no ! We don’t play Monsieur Toussaint. You have fun, not me. You want to be the boss of your writing, it’s your business. Me, I don’t want to be the Prime Minister of Pierre, Paul or Jacques. I want to be the Prime Minister that the French have chosen, because they elected a majority to apply my program.

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