“We’re not just in love”: Michel Hazanavicius on his relationship with Bérénice Bejo, and its disadvantages

This Tuesday, May 17, 2022 is a great day for Michel Hazanavicius but also for his wife Bérénice Bejo. Their new comedy Cut! has been chosen to open the Cannes Film Festival, which begins tonight. In full promotion of his quirky zombie film, Michel Hazanavicius was the guest ofAs an aside Monday evening (Canal +). Nathalie Lévy did not fail to question the 55-year-old filmmaker about the one who shares his films but also his love life for many years.

For the one who had received the Oscar for Best Director for Best Film in 2012 for The Artist, the value of his wife is sometimes underestimated. When she plays in a film, Bérénice Bejo (45) is above all a remarkable actress, and not just the wife of Michel Hazanavicius. What the latter finds much too reductive for her.

She’s really an actress that I love. I wish we weren’t together. But as a director, I would have liked to have this meeting with this actress without us being together. Finally for her, it would have been better. Because there is a somewhat reductive side, I find, to saying ‘She works with her husband’ or ‘He works with his wife’. We are also, when we make a film, a director and she is an actress. We’re not just lovers or a couple“, said Michel Hazanavicius, adding “know facets of her that others do not necessarily see, producers and directors“.

The director sees in Bérénice, the actress, many qualities. “All directors will tell you the same thing. She is an actress who is very demanding, who works a lot. She’s a very good actress who pushes you to go further, who pushes you to work harder, who always pushes you up. Who doesn’t have a misplaced ego. Working with Bérénice is truly a pleasure.“, he said in As an aside.

Cut! will therefore climb the steps of the Cannes Film Festival this evening, during the opening ceremony. This highly anticipated film from Michel Hazanavicius is a delirious comedy about a zombie invasion that disrupts the filming of a nanar. A great program for the 75th edition of the Cannes Film Festival!

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