Welcome to the Maison des Associations in Dijon!

Nearly 500 associations organize their administrative work, their appointments, their permanence within the House of Associations from Dijon. Meeting rooms, mailboxes, computer room, photocopiers are all free services allowing associations to develop their projects and build their actions. And we really want to know more!

Elodie FIEVET, Director of the Maison des Assos presents the places © Radio France
Caroline PAUL

More than 4000 associations in Dijon, … the associative world is very active!

Meeting rooms, friendly space, employees and volunteers can take advantage of all the equipment
Meeting rooms, friendly space, employees and volunteers can take advantage of all the equipment © Radio France
Caroline PAUL

After months of COVID, small assessment in the associative sector

Hamid El Hassouni, Deputy Mayor in charge of community life at the reception of my Maison des Assos
Hamid El Hassouni, Deputy Mayor in charge of community life at the reception of my Maison des Assos © Radio France
Caroline PAUL
And we don't forget the relaxation area!
And we don’t forget the relaxation area! © Radio France
Caroline PAUL

The House of Associations from Dijon: 2 Rue des Corroyeurs, in Dijon – 03 80 74 56 56 / [email protected]

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