Welcome back to the Lons Section Paloise Women’s Rugby!

For example, integrating newcomers. From abroad or from France, they will have to blend into a collective that has been working wonders for years, and adopt a mode of operation specific to the LSP Rugy Féminin. The high level, yes, but with a family spirit, which is an asset to bring in players that the sirens of the big cities (Bordeaux, Toulouse or Montpellier), attract in too large numbers. President Jean-François Lombard, is pleased every year to catch in these nets girls who come to try a sporting adventure but not only.

Job and family spirit

For his part, Yohanne Penot, the Manager, is working to make the Lons Section Paloise Rugby Féminin a club worthy of its big sister, the Section. And if the case sometimes seems complicated, the human settles almost all situations. Leaders and partners ensure that all players combine career and professional life. Moreover, the club even offers recruitment days with Pôle emploi. Find out how in 100% Club!

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