Wejdene: Shattering return on video after a “difficult period”, she balances on her relatives

Surprise for Wejdene fans, December 22, 2021. The 17-year-old singer is back on Instagram after two months of absence. It is in song that she wanted to reappear and it hurts!

On October 22, Wejdene was eliminated from the competition Dance with the stars 2021. Rumors of tensions with his partner Samuel Texier then arose, a situation which undoubtedly precipitated his desire to take a break. Two days after leaving the dance competition, the young woman wrote on Instagram: “It was cool but, forget about me. My health is priceless. My tour will be the only one.“Something to worry some fans, while others thought it was a simple communication operation

However, Wejdene was indeed absent for two months. She made a short appearance in a Nabilla Benattia snap at the end of November, but never spoke out. It took until last night for her to make a shattering comeback. “I wanted to tell you about my life but I cry before I start / I wanted to stop but there is too much money, you know how it is. Family, friends put pressure on you because you’re their financial plan / They are counting on you for a bright future / I am only 18 myself / I do not see the future coming / My foot on the road / Where is the brake?“, can we hear him sing. A title from his next album?

The first title 16 came out when she was 16. We can therefore imagine that she is preparing a new one for her 18th birthday because we can see an “18” in the legend. Perhaps it is an extract. In any case, the video made a million views in less than 24 hours. “Thank you all, my fans for your patience, my team for supporting me in this difficult time. I come back stronger. I have a lot to tell you. I love you”, she then wrote in story.

To be continued.

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