Wejdene furious after her elimination in DALS? The singer abruptly leaves the stage …

End clap for Wejdene! This Friday, October 22, 2021, the singer of 17 years was unfortunately eliminated from “Dance with the stars” after six bonuses. Despite his determination and his work, the interpreter of the hit “Coco” did not convince the judges who sent him to the “Face to face” test. The public then decided to save Lucie Lucas … which resulted in the elimination of the beautiful Wejdene.

“I had wonderful weeks in DALS. I learned a lot and I would say I grew a little bit because I learned to take on myself, to be patient and to dance, which I didn’t. didn’t know how to do it at all. I discovered a little potential “ said the singer a little disappointed to have been ousted. Despite everything, she took the time to thank her partner Samuel Texier for “his wisdom, his tenderness and his kindness”: “I think we should also congratulate him because he’s a good person. He’s super strong and he deserves his place here.” she added.

Wejdene suddenly leaves the set before everyone else
If Wejdene kept smiling when the judges congratulated him, viewers are convinced that the young woman could not bear the defeat. They also noticed that she did not attend the rest of the program where Karine Ferri performs a debriefing. “She left the after party. The stool is empty next to Samuel. The melon what!”, “Well, now Wejdene, it would be a question of telling us what is going on with Samuel”, “No but Wejdene leaving the set, what kind of disrespect, anyway? “,” Why Wejdene she is sitting all alone 10 km from the others? Especially from Samuel? It’s weird the atmosphere between the two, finally “ can we read on Twitter.

Faced with speculation, Wejdene spoke on the social network and explained that she had to leave the set from a legal point of view: as a “minor”, she does not have the right ” to be on set after midnight “under French law relating to live broadcasts.

Eleanor de la Fontaine

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