weight gain, “failed scar”, the famous influencer wants to get back to playing pool at all costs!

Stephanie Durant is one of the most popular influencers of the moment. To date, the young woman lives in Dubai out of sight. However, she constantly shares images of her daily life on her social networks. Like her BFF Jessica Thivenin, the main interested party likes the United Arab Emirates. As soon as they can, the two stars find themselves.

In any case on the Web, the duo sometimes makes fiery statements to the delight of their followers. “For 8 years, since Rio… Ups, downs but a real friendship is always found. Pregnant at the same time, mom… Steph & Jess what. Until our 100 years »said Stéphanie Durant with regard to the mother of Maylone and Leewane.

Touched, the pretty blonde obviously replied to her sidekick: ” My most beautiful encounter. I love you heartily! And most of all I love you!!!!! See you next year. Steph & me what”. Another point in common between Jessica Thivenin and Stéphanie Durant: cosmetic surgery. Both fully assume all their operations. On the Web, they have always been transparent about this.

Since giving birth, Antonin Portel’s ex has been struggling to regain her wasp waist. Being very close to her community, Stéphanie Durant frequently launches question and answer sessions to answer their countless questions. On social networks, she hides nothing from him. “Did your chest change after your pregnancy? (reduction)”, asked a web user.

To which the darling Théo Soggui replied: “ Unfortunately yes but not so much because of the pregnancy. Rather because of my weight gain. I don’t have prostheses so they fell back (not like before). But a little disgusted I would not have thought! So to redo them knowing that I also didn’t want to redo the scar that had been missed. And the second child is not for now. So I want to do it there”. Deal at follow…


to see also: “He is huge”: Jessica Thivenin without filter on her private parts of Thibault Garcia, the Web in shock!

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