Wedding of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez: his brother Casey crashes the ceremony, a quarrel in play?

It is an absence that he may not forgive him: while celebrating his marriage to Jennifer Lopez for the second time this Saturday, August 21, Ben Affleck had to deal with a big hazard: his little brother Casey failed and did not come to support him. Worse, the same morning, the actor and director was responding to an interview in Los Angeles and failed to find excuses for his absence, mumbling halfheartedly that he “fell asleep” and therefore did not leave for Georgia, where the ceremony was about to start.

But then what happened between the two brothers, which seemed rather close so far? Was there an argument in recent days or a misunderstanding? For the moment, neither of them has spoken on the subject. On the contrary, perhaps wanting to make up for not having been present, Casey Affleck, 47, posted a nice message on his Instagram account.

In the caption of a photo of him with the couple in the early 2000s, he wanted to address his new sister-in-law: “Beautiful things are worth waiting for. After reversals of situation, U-turns, you have found a new way to love yourself. Welcome to the family. Prepare for a lot of malfunctions! I’m joking. Jen, you are a treasurewe love you so much!

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