Weather | Spring is upon us

Winter sports enthusiasts took advantage of the fresh snowfall on Sunday. And if it was the last of the season? After a harsh winter, the mild weather expected all week makes you dream of spring.

Posted at 7:00 a.m.

Lea Carrier

Lea Carrier
The Press

Cross-country skiing, snow biking, sliding: it was a typical winter day on Mount Royal. On Sunday, families and outdoor enthusiasts took to the freshly paved trails. The cold bit his cheeks, and yet the air smelled of spring.

“It’s probably one of my last outings of the season,” said Liya Ma, behind her balaclava. Cross-country skiing appeals to him, but he misses the heat. To his delight, it seems that spring is upon us.

Mild weather is expected in the coming days for southern Quebec. Thursday, the mercury could even climb up to 15 ℃ in Montreal. Consequence: the melting of the snowpack is likely to accelerate. And MétéoMédia does not forecast a snowstorm in the short term.

But don’t put away your skis and boots right away: after March 16, an average of seven broadsides fall on Quebec. A storm is possible until the end of April.

A cross-country skier, Bernard Daigle is satisfied with his season. The Press hung him on his 29and out of winter (last year he skied 20 times). “The conditions are good, the tracks are well maintained,” he says. But he is in a hurry to swap his skis for his running shoes: “I can’t wait to start running again. »

Pascal Harbour’s favorite sport is cycling. In winter, he tackles the slopes on his bike with oversized tires, regardless of the temperature. “When you move, you don’t feel the cold,” he replies. That said, he’s looking forward to spring. Especially to be able to bring out his summer bikes. “It’s my favorite sport,” he says.

A freezing winter is coming to an end

The winter was particularly icy this year. In January, Quebec recorded 13 days with mercury at or below -20°C. That’s as much as a full normal winter.

On the snow side, the February snowfalls exceeded seasonal norms. Quebec recorded snow accumulations of 50 to 120 cm, while the average at this time of year is 40 to 60 cm, still according to MétéoMédia.

Sofiene Kamoun doesn’t like to complain about winter. You have to know how to appreciate it despite the cold, he says. His son, who was hurtling down the slope on a green sledge, made the most of it. But he admits that the winter was difficult this year. “Hurray for the buds! »

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