Weather: Southern Quebec will be marked by high humidity next week

The ups and downs of the weather are worrying about what the summer of 2023 will look like, while June has been cold and rainy so far. However, the feelings of heat have not said their last word, while the humidity level to come as of next week in southern Quebec will give the impression of a higher mercury than it really will be.

1er Last June was historic in terms of heat in Quebec and the mercury broke records in several regions. In Quebec and Montreal, the mercury hovered around 34 degrees under a blazing sun, leaving a temperature around 37.

According to Jean-Philippe Bégin, meteorologist at Environment Canada, it is possible that the thermometer will not reach the bar of 34 degrees again. But, be careful, this data does not take the Humidex factor into account.

“We only added 3 degrees in sensation, so there was relatively little humidity in the air despite everything, whereas it will be much more humid towards the end of next week. It would be surprising to reach values ​​as high as 33.9 degrees, but in Humidex, we could probably exceed 37”, explains the meteorologist.

Because according to Mr. Bégin, we can expect to experience very hot days from the beginning of next week, a period of heat that will be marked by the humidity rate towards the end of the week.

“It’s going to be different from the hot period we had in late May and early June, which is that it’s going to be much wetter this time around, so the Humidex factor is going to be even greater,” he says. to be worth.

“Wet weather like that, we haven’t had any yet. It will add a feeling of warmth,” adds the meteorologist.

In the longer term, the forecasts for the end of June and the beginning of July will be within seasonal norms, but as of mid-July, we should experience another period of more significant heat.

“Normally, the hottest period of the summer is between July 10 and August 10 and that should not be an exception this year”, indicates Mr. Bégin.

Waiting for the sun

While waiting for the return of the sun and the arrival of high humidity levels, rain and gray skies will reign throughout southern Quebec this weekend.

“We are going to have instability and more frequent showers in the afternoon. We also have another system coming over the weekend which will give us cooler temperatures,” concludes Mr. Bégin.

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