Weather in southern Quebec | Snow this weekend, storm next week

Weather predictions revive the hope of winter lovers: the first snowflakes of the year are expected during the night from Saturday to Sunday. A storm will also be on the menu mid-next week, warns Environment Canada.

We are expecting around five centimeters of snow in southern Quebec this weekend, confirms Jean-Philippe Bégin, meteorologist for Environment Canada. The temperature is expected to be colder than in December, he explains.

There could be blowing snow in certain regions where gusts will reach 40 km/h, such as in the St. Lawrence Valley. “But it will remain very limited,” indicates the expert.

Environment Canada is forecasting a storm that could complicate rush hour Wednesday morning. It could be snow or freezing rain, depending on the temperature. “It is still too early to know what it will be like, but there will definitely be a storm,” warns Mr. Bégin.

The weather disturbances are expected to begin late Tuesday evening and continue into the next day.

We are currently expecting a lot of snow combined with strong winds, warns the meteorologist. “We suggest people think about teleworking possibilities for Wednesday. Traffic could be affected. »

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