Weather in Quebec: a last thaw and then, “the good weather is over”

Firefighters were busy on Monday due to strong winds as colder weather set in before a final thaw towards the end of the week.

• Read also: Should we rejoice in the good weather?

In Quebec, the passage of a cold front shook the bare trees on Monday.

Two air masses clashed and several car shelters already installed were torn out on the territory. Firefighters responded to a dozen calls for dangerous structures during the day.

A car shelter went upwind on a street in the Val-Bélair sector, in Quebec.

Photo QMI Agency, Marcel Tremblay

A car shelter went upwind on a street in the Val-Bélair sector, in Quebec.

The gusts blew at more than 60 km / h in the region, perhaps a little closer to the St. Lawrence River.

“We have already seen worse, even if it is not usual,” said Alexandre Lajoie, spokesperson for the Quebec Fire Protection Service (SPCIQ).

Unstable weather

Elsewhere, strong winds and the passage of a thunderstorm line caused headaches for emergency services. Unsettled weather marked the day everywhere.

Some regions experienced power outages, notably on the North Shore, in Bas-Saint-Laurent and in Gaspésie, where winds reached 90 km/h.

A little before 5 p.m., nearly 36,000 customers were without power across Quebec.

“The good weather is over! It will look a lot more like November and it will seem cold, but it will not be abnormal, ”says Marie-Ève ​​Giguère, meteorologist for Environment Canada.

Red water and flakes

This colder weather will be quickly followed by a last thaw where the mercury should rise to 10°C on Thursday.

The heat records of the last weekend are probably over and the next 20°C on the thermometer could be only six months away.

We will have to think about winter tires if this is not done.

“We can see a lot of rain precipitation for Saturday and perhaps the first flakes thereafter,” concludes the meteorologist.

Hurricane in Florida

Elsewhere, all of Florida is affected by the arrival tomorrow evening of a hurricane named Nicole.

It's time to clean up in Florida after Hurricane Ian hit a few weeks ago.  The state is now preparing for Hurricane Nicole.

Photo: AFP

It’s time to clean up in Florida after Hurricane Ian hit a few weeks ago. The state is now preparing for Hurricane Nicole.

It is currently a tropical storm. The last jolts of this storm could bring heavy rains to us in the days that follow.

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