Weather forecast: a white or brown Christmas this year?

If Quebecers are more likely to celebrate a white Christmas this year compared to the brown Christmas last year.

• Read also: First storm: schools closed and snow-covered roads in Quebec

While many regions of Quebec have just experienced their first real snowstorm, weather specialist Gilles Brien is anticipating a colder month of December.

He anticipates a drop in temperature over the next few weeks, which suggests a white Christmas for the Montreal region, unlike in recent years.

“This year, there are chances of having a little more whiteness on the ground,” he explained in an interview with TVA Nouvelles.

The latter mentions that if we look back on the last few years, the metropolis has two out of three chances of having snow for the Holidays.

The odds of a Christmas without snow are on the rise, says Brien, who says weather cocktails like Monday’s will be increasingly commonplace.

“It’s more of a brown Christmas that we have known for a few years, with a lot of rain. We will have to get used to it, ”he says.

According to the weather specialist, the regions located to the west of the province will be entitled to more precipitation than in recent winters.

“Western Quebec, expect to shovel a little more this year,” said Gilles Brien.

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