“Wear the colors of Portugal high” and qualify for the World Cup

Portugal is of course focused on the football World Cup and yet, in discretion, the country is also seeking to qualify for the rugby one! Which would necessarily be much more unique. “The Wolves” have qualified only once in their history for the World Cup, it was in 2007 (including a match against New Zealand, lost 108 to 13).

The last qualifying ticket for the 2023 World Cup in France is being played over three weekends in Dubai between Portugal, the United States, Kenya and Hong Kong. After the first day, the Portuguese and the Americans have confirmed their status as favorites and will most likely contest this qualification next weekend by competing against each other. This Saturday, Portugal is playing against Kenya after clearly beating Hong Kong and vice versa for the United States.

In the Portuguese ranks, USAP hooker Mike Tadjer participates in this tournament and lives a great moment by aiming for this super-motivating goal of going to play the World Cup: “It is a great pride to wear this jersey. It may not be as flashy as the big nations, but for me and the other players, it’s a great pride to represent your country and especially your family.

It’s a beautiful thing and even more so when you play important matches. If we win this tournament, we will be at the World Cup so I hope we will go to the end, we will do everything for it. It would be great to wear the colors of Portugal at the World Cup because it hasn’t happened for a very long time and it will do Portuguese rugby good..”

Other USAP players are on deck this weekend, center Jeronimo De La Fuente will start with Argentina in Wales. His friend Sipa Taumoepeau will defend the colors of Tonga against Chile. As for hooker Seilala Lam, he will start with Samoas against Georgia.

It should also be noted that the Catalan referee Mathieu Raynal will be at the whistle of the match Ireland – Fiji in replacement of Jaco Peyper, injured.

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