Weakened immune system

What is it about ?

The immune system is the defense system of the human body against harmful or negative external influences. Your immune system prevents “intruders” such as viruses and bacteria from making your body sick.

Functioning of the immune system

The strength of your defense system depends on your immune system. This immune system consists of two important elements:

  • white blood cells;
  • antibodies.

Antibodies are made by a certain type of white blood cell called lymphocytes. These antibodies circulate in the blood and are specifically directed against a bacteria, fungus or virus. The antibodies bind to these intruders, after which others white blood cells can disable them.

Weakened immune system

The immune system is vitally important, but it can be suppressed or damaged. When the weakened immune system, infectious diseases such as flu and the common cold have the opportunity to find their way through the body.

Causes of a weakened immune system are :

  • the HIV ;
  • malignant blood diseases, such as lymphomas or the leukemia ;
  • hereditary conditions;
  • the prematurity in infants;
  • the absence of the spleen;
  • certain medicines (see below).
Inhibited immune system

The immune system is sometimes intentionally inhibited with medication. This is for example the case after a organ transplant. This is because without these drugs, the immune system would attack the new organ and the body would reject it.

In addition, some drugs have the side effect alter the functioning of the immune system. For example :


A person who has a weakened immune system is said “Immunodeficient”. A “trivial” infection, which a healthy person can easily overcome, can be very dangerous for an immunodeficient person.

Certain pathogens, which the body keeps under control but never completely disappear from the body, can suddenly resurface after several years. We are thinking for example of:

Finally, yeasts and mushrooms, present on the skin and normally harmless, can suddenly cause an infection.

How to recognize it?

  • It is not possible to recognize an immunodeficient person just by seeing them. The hallmark of a weakened immune system is the susceptibility to infectious diseases. An immunodeficient person therefore contracts an infection much more easily than another person, for example after contact with a sick person.
  • These are often conditions that do not affect people with healthy immune systems. This type of situation usually raises the alarm.
  • Surprisingly, people with weakened immune systems exhibit fewer symptoms than others when they are sick. This is because it is the white blood cells, and therefore the immune system, that trigger many of these symptoms, such as mucus production, cough or fever.

How is the diagnosis made?

a blood test allows rapid assessment of the state of the immune system. Technicians examine white blood cells under a microscope. They count them and evaluate their appearance, shape, size and quality. They also look for antibodies.

People with weakened immune systems often have fewer white blood cells. Sometimes they have enough, or even too much, but they are not of good quality. As a result, white blood cells are unable to do their job properly.

What can you do ?

  • Do you have a weakened immune system? Always make sure you report it to the doctor.
  • If you have a fever over 38 ° C, you should see a doctor immediately.
  • Did you have your spleen removed? Make sure you always carry a card that mentions it. This can be important if you are admitted urgently.

What can your doctor do?

Prevention of infections

The doctor may agree to certain measures with you to protect yourself, for example:

  • faster prescription antibiotics in case of infection;
    • The doctor may also prescribe antibiotics preventively, to avoid disease.
  • a vaccination versus :
    • the pneumococci ;
    • Haemophilus influenzae type B bacteria if you were not vaccinated as a child;
    • meningococci (one of the causative agents of meningitis);
    • the flu (every year).

You must undergo a removal of the spleen ? You will receive some vaccines well in advance. This will give you the opportunity to develop your immunity before the operation.

Treatment of infections

Do you have an infection? The doctor will usually prescribe high doses antibiotics or antivirals. Sometimes they will be given in the hospital, for example if you need to receive many different medicines.

The doctor ensures regular follow-up through a physical examination and one blood test.

Immune system weakened by drugs

Are you taking drugs that weaken your immune system? You will need to pass regular checks. The doctor will decide with you whether certain medicines, for example for psoriasis or the Crohn’s disease, are more important than your risk of infection.


Foreign clinical practice guide ‘Infections in cancerous and immunocompromised patients’ (2000), updated on 03/02/2017 and adapted to the Belgian context on 18/02/2019 – ebpracticenet