weak mobilization at the rally to defend the right to abortion

Not a young person to speak. Françoise Heurtault of the Women’s Rights Collective is sorry. “It’s sad. Unfortunately, women’s rights are never definitively acquired.” This Saturday, July 2, Place Darcy in Dijon, the demonstrators are between 40 and 50 in reaffirm the need for the right to abortion. Caroline is a septuagenarian, came this morning to reiterate how essential this right is. She was in her twenties when she had to resort to two abortions. France had not yet adopted the Veil law.

Remove the conscience clause

Testimonies like that of Caroline, Rose has already heard, she is a caregiver in an Ehpad. Even more than the constitutionalization of the law of 1975, it especially wishes its unrestricted application and for this she believes that the conscience clause of doctors must be removed.

Rally to reaffirm the right to abortion in Dijon at the call of the LDH, the FSU 21, Solidaires, Attac, the Amnesty International group of Dijon, the Clito Rine association and the CGT © Radio France
Claire Checcaglini

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