“We won’t stop there,” says Valérie Plante on the fight against armed violence

Buoyed by encouraging statistics on incidents involving firearms, participants in the second Montreal Forum for the fight against armed violence took stock, Tuesday, of the initiatives launched a year ago, during the first edition of the event.

Last week, the Montreal Police Service (SPVM) confirmed that a drop in armed violence had been observed in the metropolis in recent months. The number of violent events involving firearms in Montreal has decreased by 30% since the start of the year, the SPVM indicated.

During the first Montreal Forum for the fight against armed violence, held in March 2022, a series of projects were launched “by and for young people”. Combined with the 120 arrests of criminals involved in gun violence and the seizure of 367 weapons, the community approach appears to have fostered a certain calm. “It’s bearing fruit because we know that there is a 30% reduction in firearm incidents,” noted Mayor Valérie Plante. annuity per cent, it’s good, but we won’t stop there…”

The City of Montreal took advantage of the event to launch “the Montreal model for a safe city”, a roadmap detailed in four guidelines, namely the reduction of insecurity, the creation of quality living environments, community mobilization and collaboration between the City, the SPVM and civil society partners.

Take the pulse of the communities

The director of the SPVM, Fady Dagher, announced that he wanted to renew ties with leaders of cultural communities. It will reestablish the “vigilance structure” which had been neglected in recent years and which allowed representatives of the SPVM to meet on a regular basis with those from the Arab, Asian, Latino and black communities, in particular. This measure, he said, will allow police authorities to “detect tensions that may emerge from the community well in advance”. “We can no longer just be reactive. »

The police chief mentioned that “sensitive” subjects will be discussed during these meetings, such as racial profiling and arrests. “In 2024, we will come back to you with a very well-structured plan and clear answers for all communities in order to [nous] deserve the trust of the population. »

Mr. Dagher also indicated that the SPVM steering committee would hold public meetings in the premises of community organizations.

The Montreal Forum for the Fight Against Armed Violence continues Thursday.

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