“We will try to intensify our activities” on Russian soil, says a Ukrainian “saboteur”

In Russia, acts of sabotage are more and more numerous at the end of May. If the Ukrainian authorities assure not to intervene on Russian territory, Ukrainian fighters recognize “crossing the border”.

Is Ukraine carrying out sabotage activities in Russia? To this question, the answer of Mykhaïlo Podoliak, one of President Zelensky’s closest advisers is unsurprising: “Ukraine is not intervening in Russia. We lack the means to repel the Russian army from the occupied territories so that is only where we are concentrating”. Since the beginning of the year, sabotage – explosions, fires, derailed trains – has multiplied in Russia. A drone attack notably targeted Moscow on Tuesday, May 30.

>> War in Ukraine: the United States says it does not support attacks on Russian territory

If kyiv claims not to carry out an attack on Russian soil, Washington reminded Ukraine on Friday May 26 that its military equipment must not be used on Russian territory to avoid escalation. In this context of war, it is extremely difficult to disentangle the true from the false. Even if kyiv denies any intervention in Russia, groups of “saboteurs” exist.

There is in particular the battalion “Bratstvo battalion” (“battalion of brotherhood”). Marat is one of the fighters of this battalion, he tries to stick to the official discourse, but he ends up releasing what looks like – between the lines – a confession. “I unfortunately can’t give you any details. We don’t have the right to give you any. Officially, we don’t operate there. For my part, the last time I was officially in Russia was was in 2005”he explains while letting out a nervous laugh.

These actions involve immense risks for the “saboteurs”

Dmytro Korchynskiy, one of the leaders of the battalion, an ultra-believer, nationalist, speaks more frankly. He assures that a third of his men carry out sabotage operations on Russian soil, destruction of military targets, destruction of supply routes and this involves immense risks for his men. “They cross the Russian-Ukrainian border choosing the crossings outside the front linehe describes. There are many mined areas. Detectors and video cameras. But with a good preparation of our information, we manage to pass”.

>> War in Ukraine: the counter-offensive is long overdue, due to a lack of armored vehicles

He replies that those who believe that the war can be won without sabotage on the Russian side are cowards. “We will now try to intensify our activities. Especially as the Ukrainian Armed Forces launch a counter-offensive, this becomes even more important”, says Dmytro Korchynskiy. If his battalion acts on Russian territory, it is because Russian cells must also succeed in penetrating into Ukraine, hence the presence at his side of two bodyguards. “I pray to God much more than before”recognizes this battalion commander.

War in Ukraine: before the counter-offensive, the secrets of Ukrainian “saboteurs” at the microphone of Maurine Mercier


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