Invited on France Inter, François Braun wants to reduce the administrative costs of doctors.
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“The truth is that we won’t have more doctors for ten years”, recognizes on France Inter the Minister of Health François Braun, Wednesday, May 3, while the government has made the fight against medical deserts a priority. If France trains more doctors, the Minister of Health believes that this remains “insufficient, even if we are accelerating from year to year”.
Faced with this observation, François Braun considers that it is necessary “change the way of working” : “I’m not asking doctors to work more, but differently”, supports the minister. To do this, the executive wants to put an end to the “bureaucratic tasks [jugées] useless”evoking “medical certificates that are useless”. He indicates that he will soon send a letter to the “ministers concerned, to all local and regional authorities” to call back “the instructions” and so to say what the law already provides “will not change”. François Braun indeed denounces a “drift on certificates” : “We ask for anything”even when there is no obligation, deplores the Minister.
Fewer “absurd” medical certificates
In particular, he points out the fact that when “your child is ill, you must ask for a medical certificate in order not to pay for the crèche days, but far too many crèches ask for a certificate again to say that the child is cured so that he can return to the crèche”. For the Minister of Health, these requests are “totally absurd”and he intends to end it. “These certificates should no longer be made, the doctors will say no”he hammers.
The Minister of Health specifies that he is also working “with the Minister of Sports Amélie Oudéa-Castéra to stop asking for sports certificates for everything”. If he judges “logic” that a medical certificate be requested from persons “who compete”François Braun criticizes the fact that such a certificate is also requested “when you play sports for fun, when you are 15 years old and have no health problems. (…)I believe in being reasonable.”he says.