“We will not be able to” vaccinate on Sunday “without an appointment”, assures the Union syndicale des pharmaciens de dispensière

Pharmacists will ask the Minister of Health to be able to benefit “from the reinforcement of pharmacy students, nurses, doctors” when they are volunteers, affirms on franceinfo Gilles Bonnefond, spokesperson for the union.

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“We will do our best, but we will not be able to do it without an appointment”, explained Thursday, December 9 on franceinfo Gilles Bonnefond, spokesperson for the Union of dispensing pharmacists (USPO) and pharmacist in Montélimar, after the authorization given to pharmacists to open on Sunday to be able to vaccinate.

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Pharmacists are “already enormously tired”, he assures. “We inject 750,000 doses of Covid-19 vaccine every week, we represent 60% of all injections in the city, he explains. We screen 3 million people per week, we have never reached such important records, it is 90% of the activity of antigenic tests which are carried out in town by pharmacists. We have injected 4 million doses against the flu this season, which is 10% more than last year. “

the “maximum” would be made to vaccinate “as many people as possible before Christmas to avoid a catastrophic month of January. So all the pharmacists who can organize themselves will do it, but we will not be able to do it without an appointment”, insisted Gilles Bonnefond.

Pharmacists will ask the Minister of Health to be able to benefit “reinforcement of pharmacy students, nurses, doctors” when they are voluntary. “Currently that is not possible.”

The only compensation provided for pharmacists who vaccinate on Sunday “This is what is done for pharmacists open on Sundays, five euros per prescription, so there the act of vaccination will be increased by five euros”, explained Gilles Bonnefond.

Pharmacies that vaccinate on Sundays will do just that and will not dispense drugs. Patients will have to go to pharmacies on duty.

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