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“In the 62 duels which opposed the candidates of the Nupes and the candidates of the RN, on 55 occasions your candidates were not able to say ‘We will have to beat the National Rally'”, declared the deputy, Sunday, on France 2.
Is this lively exchange a preview of those that will take place in the hemicycle of the National Assembly? Manuel Bompard, Nupes deputy elected in the former constituency of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, was on the set of France 2, Sunday June 19, with the Minister of Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti. “You should be ashamed”threw the first to the second. “In the 62 duels that opposed the candidates of the Nupes and the candidates of the RN, 55 times your candidates were not able to say ‘We will have to beat the National Rally'”, has said MP Nupes.
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“See, sir, how you address others. I ‘should be ashamed’. But who are you to speak to me like that? Firstly. Secondly, sir, the National Front, which I always call the National Front, I fought it all my life”retorted the Keeper of the Seals.
Manuel Bompard then interrupted him, accusing him of putting him on the same level as the RN. “I would like to finish my sentence, if you don’t mind. We will learn to tolerate each other since there will be many of you in the National Assembly”then said Eric Dupond-Moretti. The Nupes became the first political opposition force in the National Assembly. The various parties of the left-wing coalition have obtained 141 parliamentary seats for the next term, according to an Ipsos-Sopra Steria estimate for France Télévisions, Radio France, France Médias Monde and parliamentary channels.
The RN made a strong entry into the Assembly with 90 seats. This breakthrough is due to “the absence of clear voting instructions from Ensemble!”estimated with franceinfo Gilles Ivaldi, researcher specializing in the far right.