“We will have to think about it at some point”, quips Emmanuel Macron about his candidacy

Asked on the plane that brought him from Moscow to Kiev, the president explained “not wanting to do things in an untimely way”taking into account in particular the geopolitical and health context.

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“Everything comes to a point…” Emmanuel Macronwhich already has more than 500 sponsorships required to be a candidate in the presidential election, once again refused to officially decide on its participation in the election, Tuesday, February 8.

Questioned on the plane which took him from Moscow to Kiev, within the framework of negotiations around the Ukrainian crisis, Emmanuel Macron maintained the position which has been his for several weeks. We’ll have to think about it for a while”he said, before adding “atith these sufficiently strong tensions, iYou shouldn’t do things in an untimely way”.

In an interview with Le Parisien on January 4, Emmanuel Macron confided that he had “desire” to be a presidential candidate, claiming that“there is no false suspense”. But he added that he would decide “as soon as there are the sanitary conditions that allow it and that I have clarified this subject, in myself and in relation to the political equation”. A political and geopolitical context is particularly gripping, he added on the plane to Kiev: “international, it takes more than half the time, see the essentials in recent days.”

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