“We will have to conclude”, the speech of this Miss fatigue Jean-Pierre Foucault

Who will succeed Indira Ampiot? This is the question that TF1 viewers are all asking themselves this Saturday, December 16, 2023… But before discovering who will be elected Miss France 2024 live from the Zénith in Dijon, Internet users enjoy commenting on every moment of the show on the Web and notably on X (formerly Twitter).

Miss Guadeloupe’s fall, Miss Lorraine’s table dress, Amandine Petit’s slip dressed as a revue leader… Suffice it to say that Internet users don’t miss a bit of the ceremony presented since 1995 by Jean-Pierre Foucault.

As proof, while the fifteen Miss finalists took the microphone to address the French, as tradition dictates, viewers of the first channel were surprised by the end of Miss Île-de-France’s speech. The reason ? His speech was somewhat shortened by the inevitable master of ceremonies.

“We will have to conclude”, Jean-Pierre Foucault actually told Elena Faliez… Enough to shorten his little speech!

Also see: Mimi Mathy: the end of her beautiful story!

“Stop… Please”

As a reminder, this is not the first time that the famous host has decided to cut a regional miss live. “Stop… Please… You have to stop Miss, it’s one minute”, he said to Miss Guyana during the Miss France 2022 election.


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